Psoriasis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Psoriasis is a disease due to that in the skin appear red, peeling, and Hot eruptions, covered with silvery-white scales.

Typically, these rashes occur on the elbows, the knees, the skin on the scalp and on the lower part of the back, but can occur in any other place. The majority of people small rashes. In some cases, may itch or hurt.


In russia, the psoriasis gets about 1% of the population, often in scales versicolor is found in the indigenous population of the north. Men and women suffer from the same frequency. The first signs of psoriasis often appear on the under the age of 30 years, however, delay the onset of the psoriasis is not a rarity. The severity of psoriasis each person varies a lot. Someone psoriasis just a little bit annoying, while other people psoriasis prevents them from leading a normal life.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, that normally have periods of remission — no symptoms or with little symptomatic, after that begin the periods of exacerbation, when symptoms become more pronounced.

Psoriasis occurs when the acceleration of the process of reproduction of body cells of the skin. Skin cells are normally made and changed every 3 or 4 months, but when the psoriasis, this process is reduced to 3 to 7 days. In consequence, occurs the accumulation of the cells of the skin, which causes the appearance of the characteristic changes in the body.

Causes of psoriasis to the end are not clear, it is considered that the increased reproduction of skin cells is related to immune system problems. The immune system is the body's natural defence against infection and disease, but in people with psoriasis, she mistakenly attacks the healthy cells of the skin.

Psoriasis can be transmitted by inheritance, and therefore are considered to have this disease and the genetic factor. However, it is not yet clear what role genetics plays in the onset of psoriasis.

Many people have psoriasis symptoms appear or are exacerbated after an event called the trigger. Possible triggers in the psoriasis include the damage of the skin, infectious diseases, diseases of the throat and the receipt of certain medications. This disease is not contagious and cannot be transmitted from one person to another.

If you suspect psoriasis you should consult your doctor. Often, the doctor can make a diagnosis judging by the appearance of your skin. Typically, for the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis patient's head to a dermatologist a specialist in skin diseases.

Despite curing psoriasis is not possible, there are a number of treatments that can relieve your symptoms and improve the appearance of the skin. In most cases, in the first place is assigned to a local treatment, for example, vitamin D analogues or topical corticosteroids. In the most severe cases, when not helping to other treatment methods, can be applied to the systemic treatment. Systemic treatment is the receipt by the oral route or by injection of drugs, which have a healing effect on the body.

For some people, the psoriasis — only a small problem, but sometimes you can influence a lot in your life. For example, some of the patients of psoriasis have the self-esteem lowered by the fact of how the disease affects its external appearance. Often also in the psoriasis appears, the soreness, the pain and swelling of the joints and connective tissues. This is known as psoriatic arthritis.

The symptoms of psoriasis

In most cases, psoriasis happens in cycles: every few weeks or months, the condition gets worse, and then the symptoms become less visible or go away, and is reached remission.

There are several types of psoriasis. Many are sick only one form of psoriasis, although perhaps the disease of the two types at the same time. A type can turn into another type or become worse. If you suspect psoriasis you should consult your doctor.

Most common types of psoriasis

Ordinary psoriasis. It is the most common form of psoriasis, accounting for approximately 90% of the cases. The symptoms dry red skin on education, called plaques, covered by silvery-white scales. Normally appear on elbows, knees, the skin on the scalp and on the lower part of the back, but can appear in any other place. The plaques may itch or feel sore. In severe cases of the skin, in the joints may crack and bleed.

psoriasis-leather-pieces of

Psoriasis of the scalp (cradle cap or psoriasis) may appear on the scalp or on the areas of the skin, as well as in the back and the chest. Called reddish eruptions, covered in thick silvery-white scales. In some people, this type of psoriasis causes itching, while others do not cause any discomfort. In the most severe cases can lead to hair loss, often on a temporary basis.

Psoriasis of the nails. About half of the patients of psoriasis of the disease is spreading to the nails. When the psoriasis in your nails may appear small dimples or deepen, they may lose the color and the shape. Often, the nails can be mobilized and away from the nail, in which they are located. In severe cases, the nail can crumble.

When the psoriasis in the form of droplets appear small (less than 1 cm) plate in the form of a drop in the chest, the arms, the legs and underneath the hair on the head. In fact, it is likely that the guttate psoriasis completely will be several weeks, but in some people it becomes an ordinary psoriasis. This type of psoriasis sometimes occurs after a streptococcal infection of the throat, and more frequently suffer from children and teenagers.

Psoriasis of the folds - the involvement of the folds of the skin, for example, under the armpits, in the groin, between the buttocks or under the breasts. Can appear large smooth of the precipitation in some or all of these areas. The symptoms are exacerbated frictional and the sweat of the hand, therefore, we can deliver special inconveniences in warm climates.

Pustular psoriasis

More rare than the type of psoriasis, that on their skin appear pustules (bubbles with purulent content). The different types of pustular psoriasis affect different parts of the body.

Generalized pulstole psoriasis (psoriasis background Tsumbush). The pustules occur in a large area of the skin and develop very quickly. The pus consists of white blood cells and its appearance is not always directly related to the infection. The pustules can be to appear again each few days or weeks. In the beginning of the cycles of the psoriasis background Tsumbush can cause fever, chills, weight loss and chronic fatigue.

Ladonno-plantar psoriasis. The pustules appear on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Gradually are converted into pustules, round, brown color of the plaque with scales, which are then separated from the skin. The pustules can appear again each few days or weeks.

Pustular acrodermatitis (acrobustulosis). The pustules appear on the fingers of your hands and feet. Then, the pustules burst, after they remain bright red color of the sphere, which can be detached from the liquid or cover scales. It can be painful deformities of the nails.

Erythrodermic psoriasis (psoriatic erythroderma)

Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis, which affects practically the entire surface of the skin. This causes itching or burning sensation. By erythrodermic psoriasis, your body can lose proteins and liquid. This can lead to the appearance of other complications, such as infection, dehydration, heart failure, hypothermia, and exhaustion.

Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis occurs when skin cells divide and are updated faster than normal. Causes of psoriasis, up to the end are not clear. The body produces new cells in the deep layer of the skin. These cells gradually move up. Coming to the surface, they die. This process in the standard passes gradually and imperceptibly for us. The skin cells are renewed every 3 to 4 weeks.

People with psoriasis, this process only lasts 3 to 7 days. In consequence, not yet fully developed cells rapidly accumulate on the surface of the skin, causing the appearance of red, peeling, and Hot eruptions, covered with silvery-white scales. It is considered that the patients of psoriasis of the skin cells change more rapidly due to the alteration of the immune system.

The immune system is the body's defense, which helps fight infection. One of the main types of cells, which uses the immune system, called T-lymphocytes.

T normally move the body, found the infection and struggle with them. People with psoriasis mistakenly attack the healthy cells of the skin. This causes the immune system to produce more T lymphocytes, as well as reproduce new skin cells faster than normal.

Until the end it is not clear that the cause of the deterioration of the immune system of the system, although it may be that one of its functions played by some of the genes and the environmental factors.

Psoriasis is transmitted by inheritance. One out of every three patients with psoriasis has a close relative with this disease. However, it is not yet clear what role genetics plays in the onset of psoriasis. The results of the study indicate that, in the development of psoriasis can respond to multiple genes. Most likely, is to make the people most affected by this disease can be their different combinations. However, it is inherited it is not psoriasis, and it is only the predisposition to it, that is to say, the presence of these genes does not mean that you necessarily have to suffer from this disease.

Triggers of psoriasis

Many people have psoriasis symptoms appear or are exacerbated after an event called the trigger. If you know your triggers, this can help you avoid the aggravation of the symptoms. Common examples of activators:

  • the damage of the skin, for example, a cut, a scratch, an insect bite or sunburn (the so-called phenomenon of the Kebner);
  • the abuse of alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • the stress;
  • hormonal changes, especially women (for example, during the pubertal period, and menopause);
  • some medications, such as lithium, some antimalarial medications anti-inflammatory medications, including ibuprofen, ace inhibitors (for the treatment ) and beta blockers (for the treatment of congestive heart failure);
  • the infection of the throat — in some people, especially with children and young people, after a streptococcal throat infection is the form of psoriasis, called guttate psoriasis, although in the majority of cases, after a streptococcal infection of the throat of the psoriasis does not occur;
  • other disorders of the immune system, such as hiv, which cause the emergence or worsening of the psoriasis.

Psoriasis is not contagious and therefore cannot be transmitted from one person to another.

The diagnosis of psoriasis

As a general rule, for the diagnosis of psoriasis is sufficient external inspection of the skin.

the diagnosis

In more rare occasions, requires the taking of a biopsy (a small sample of the skin), which then is sent to the laboratory for examination under the microscope. This will allow you to identify a specific type of psoriasis and rule out other diseases of the skin, such as seborrheic dermatitis, flat red versicolor, a simple chronic, tinea and ringworm of the rose.

As a general rule, the diagnosis and the treatment of psoriasis is conducted under the supervision of a doctor, dermatologist, specialist in skin diseases. If a doctor suspects you have psoriatic arthritis, which sometimes occurs as a complication of psoriasis, you may be directed to a rheumatologist. The rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in arthritis.

You can take a sample of blood for tests, to rule out other diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as perform x-rays of the joints affected by the disease.

The treatment of psoriasis

Curing psoriasis is not possible, however, treatment can reduce the intensity and frequency of exacerbations. Typically, the treatment of psoriasis happens under the supervision of a dermatologist, in the case of the participation in the process of the joints is assigned to the consultation of a rheumatologist. If the symptoms of psoriasis are expressed much and respond poorly to treatment, your doctor may recommend that you stay in the hospital, in the department of dermatology.

A method of treatment to be applied depending on the type and severity of the psoriasis and the area of the skin by the disease. If the symptoms of psoriasis are expressed rarely, and does not accumulate, the doctor will probably, be limited to the appointment of the external means, for example, in the form of a cream. In the phase of sharpening is normally assigned a more serious treatment with drugs that are taken in the interior.

There is a wide range of products for the treatment of psoriasis, but it can be difficult to determine which is the most effective tool. Talk with your doctor if you feel that the treatment doesn't work or has side effects that cause discomfort.

The treatment methods are divided into 3 categories:

  • the local treatment in skin apply creams and ointments;
  • phototherapy your skin radiated a type of ultraviolet rays;
  • system for receiving oral or by injection of drugs, which have a healing effect on the body.

Often, the different methods of treatment of the harvester. As well as the patient of psoriasis requires a long-term treatment, it makes sense to develop a plan of drugs of the manipulation, which should be done every day. The doctor should periodically check your state and, if necessary, adjust the treatment plan.